| 名称 | 说明 |
| AllocConsole | |
| AlphaBlend | |
| AnimateWindow | |
| BeginPaint | |
| BitBlt | |
| CallNextHookEx | |
| CallWindowProc | |
| ChildWindowFromPointEx | |
| ChoosePixelFormat | |
| CoCreateInstance | |
| CombineRgn | |
| CreateBitmapIndirect | |
| CreateCaret | |
| CreateCompatibleBitmap | |
| CreateCompatibleDC | |
| CreateDC | |
| CreateDCA | |
| CreateDCW | |
| CreateDIBSection(IntPtr, NativeMethodsBitMapInfo, UInt32, IntPtr, IntPtr, UInt32) | |
| CreateDIBSection(IntPtr, NativeMethodsBITMAPINFO_FLAT, Int32, Int32, IntPtr, Int32) | |
| CreateDIBSection(IntPtr, NativeMethodsBITMAPINFO_FLAT, Int32, IntPtr, IntPtr, Int32) | |
| CreateDIBSection(IntPtr, IntPtr, Int32, IntPtr, IntPtr, Int32) | |
| CreateHatchBrush | |
| CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal | |
| CreateMemoryHdc |
Create a compatible memory HDC from the given HDC.
The memory HDC can be rendered into without effecting the original HDC.
The returned memory HDC and dib must be released using ReleaseMemoryHdc(IntPtr, IntPtr).
| CreatePatternBrush | |
| CreatePen | |
| CreateRectRgn | |
| CreateRoundRectRgn | |
| CreateSolidBrush | |
| CreateWindowEx | |
| DefWindowProc | |
| DeleteDC | |
| DeleteObject | |
| DestroyCaret | |
| DestroyWindow | |
| DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow | |
| DwmEnableComposition | |
| DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea | |
| DwmIsCompositionEnabled | |
| EndPaint | |
| ExtCreateRegion | |
| FindWindow | |
| FindWindowEx | |
| FreeConsole | |
| GdiFlush | |
| GdipBitmapApplyEffect | |
| GdipBitmapConvertFormat | |
| GdipBitmapCreateApplyEffect | |
| GdipCreateEffect | |
| GdipDeleteEffect | |
| GdipGetEffectParameters | |
| GdipGetEffectParameterSize | |
| GdipInitializePalette | |
| GdipSetEffectParameters | |
| GetBkColor | |
| GetBkMode | |
| GetCaretBlinkTime | |
| GetClassName | |
| GetClientRect | |
| GetComboBoxInfo | |
| GetCurrentThreadId | |
| GetCursorInfo | |
| GetCursorPos | |
| GetDC | |
| GetDesktopWindow | |
| GetDIBits | |
| GetKeyState | |
| GetModuleHandle | |
| GetObject | |
| GetParent | |
| GetPixel | |
| GetScrollBarInfo |
| GetScrollInfo | |
| GetScrollPos | |
| GetShortPathName | |
| GetSystemMenu | |
| GetSystemMetrics | |
| GetTextColor | |
| GetTextExtentExPoint | |
| GetTextExtentPoint32 | |
| GetTextFace | |
| GetTextMetrics | |
| GetVersionExA | |
| GetWindowDC |
| GetWindowLong | |
| GetWindowLongA | |
| GetWindowLongPtr | |
| GetWindowLongPtr32 | |
| GetWindowLongPtr64 | |
| GetWindowRect |
| GetWindowRectangle |
Retrieves the dimensions of the bounding rectangle of the specified window. The dimensions are given in screen coordinates that are relative to the upper-left corner of the screen.
| GetWindowThreadProcessId | |
| HideCaret | |
| HIWORD | |
| ImmAssociateContext | |
| ImmAssociateContextEx | |
| ImmCreateContext | |
| ImmDestroyContext | |
| ImmGetCompositionString | |
| ImmGetContext | |
| ImmGetConversionStatus | |
| ImmGetOpenStatus | |
| ImmReleaseContext | |
| ImmSetCompositionWindow | |
| ImmSetConversionStatus | |
| ImmSetOpenStatus | |
| InvalidateRect | |
| IsAppThemed | |
| IsWindow | |
| IsWindowVisible | |
| LineTo | |
| LoadCursor | |
| LoadLibrary | |
| LOWORD | |
| mciSendString | |
| MessageBox | |
| mouse_event | |
| MouseToMoveControl |
| MoveToEx | |
| MoveWindow(IntPtr, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean) | |
| MoveWindow(IntPtr, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) | |
| OffsetRect |
| OleCreateFromFile | |
| OleDraw | |
| OleSetContainedObject | |
| PatBlt | |
| PostMessage | |
| PtInRect | |
| Rectangle | |
| RedrawWindow(IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, UInt32) | |
| RedrawWindow(HandleRef, COMRECT, HandleRef, Int32) | |
| RedrawWindow(HandleRef, RECT, HandleRef, Int32) | |
| RegisterClassEx | |
| RegisterHotKey |
| ReleaseCapture | |
| ReleaseDC |
| ReleaseMemoryHdc | |
| ScreenToClient(IntPtr, POINT) | |
| ScreenToClient(IntPtr, Point) | |
| SelectClipRgn | |
| SelectObject | |
| SendMessage(IntPtr, Int32, Int32) | |
| SendMessage(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) | |
| SendMessage(IntPtr, Int32, Int32, Int32) | |
| SendMessage(IntPtr, Int32, Int32, IntPtr) | |
| SendMessage(IntPtr, Int32, IntPtr, IntPtr) | |
| SendMessage(HandleRef, Int32, IntPtr, IntPtr) | |
| SetActiveWindow | |
| SetBkColor | |
| SetBkMode | |
| SetBrushOrgEx | |
| SetCapture | |
| SetCaretPos | |
| SetCursor | |
| SetCursorPos | |
| SetDIBits | |
| SetDIBitsToDevice | |
| SetForegroundWindow | |
| SetLayeredWindowAttributes | |
| SetParent | |
| SetPixel | |
| SetPixelFormat | |
| SetProcessDPIAware |
96 DPI = 100% scaling
120 DPI = 125% scaling
144 DPI = 150% scaling
192 DPI = 200% scaling
| SetScrollInfo | |
| SetScrollPos | |
| SetTextAlign | |
| SetTextColor | |
| SetWindowLong(IntPtr, Int16, IntPtr) | |
| SetWindowLong(IntPtr, Int32, UInt32) | |
| SetWindowLong32 | |
| SetWindowLongA | |
| SetWindowLongPtr | |
| SetWindowLongPtr32 | |
| SetWindowLongPtr64 | |
| SetWindowPos | |
| SetWindowRgn(IntPtr, Int32, Boolean) | |
| SetWindowRgn(IntPtr, IntPtr, Boolean) | |
| SetWindowsHookEx | |
| SetWindowTheme | |
| ShowCaret | |
| ShowWindow |
| ShowWindowAsync | |
| StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes | |
| SwapBuffers | |
| TextOut | |
| TrackPopupMenu | |
| TrackPopupMenuEx | |
| TransparentBlt | |
| UnhookWindowsHookEx | |
| UnregisterClass | |
| UnregisterHotKey |
| UpdateLayeredWindow | |
| WindowFromDC | |