HtmlContainerIntAvoidImagesLateLoading 属性 |
Gets or sets a value indicating if image loading only when visible should be avoided (default - false).
True - images are loaded as soon as the html is parsed.
False - images that are not visible because of scroll location are not loaded until they are scrolled to.
DSkin (在 DSkin.dll 中) 版本:
语法 public bool AvoidImagesLateLoading { get; set; }
Images late loading improve performance if the page contains image outside the visible scroll area, especially if there is large
amount of images, as all image loading is delayed (downloading and loading into memory).
Late image loading may effect the layout and actual size as image without set size will not have actual size until they are loaded
resulting in layout change during user scroll.
Early image loading may also effect the layout if image without known size above the current scroll location are loaded as they
will push the html elements down.